What is Global Recruitment?

Global Recruitment:- It says to invite individuals from different countries and says them to apply for the open position. This recruitment process is done in all over the countries.

This process bring a best chance for the newcomers who are currently comes in the market to uplift themselves. This process also helps big firm to appoint best persons for the open job position.

Methods of Global Recruitment

Parent Country National:- In this technique an individuals who are hired they are living in that country where the company is to be started. Here Started means headquarter of the company.

Host Country National:- In this technique an individuals who are hired they are living in that country where the outlets of the company is situated where the headquarter of the company is situated.

Third Country National:- In this technique an individuals who are hired they are living in that country where the outlets are situated but not the headquarter is situated.

Advantage of Global Recruitment

  • It helps to give wide range of talented people so the company get best chance to select the most perfect candidate
  • It helps the corporation to select an individual with very low salary because of different currencies
  • It helps to cut down the cost of labor the reason behind is that another country of people are ready to work with low salary bceause of different currencies
  • It helps to increases the production capacity because when the people are ready to work at the low price with the same budget because of different currencies only then the production will be more as a result supply will be more and once the supply will be more then the profit will be increases.
  • It helps to increases corporate size because when people are to be hired from different countries they are ready to work at the low price because of different currency which keeps the cost of labor same but increases the profit so the businessman get a chance to open the different outlets.t helps to gain best employees from all countries at the cheap price because of different currencies.

Disadvantages Global Recruitment

  • It is very lengthy process because in this process the senior position employees are required to go in that country very the company wants the hire to new comers.
  • It is high costly process because in this process the senior employees are required to go in that country very the company wants the hire to new comers which includes too much cost of travelling.


  • It helps to give wide range of talented people so the company get best chance to select the most perfect candidate
  • It helps the corporation to select an individual with very low salary because of different currencies
  • It helps to cut down the cost of labor the reason behind is that another country of people are ready to work with low salary bceause of different currencies
  • It helps to increases the production capacity because when the people are ready to work at the low price with the same budget because of different currencies only then the production will be more as a result supply will be more and once the supply will be more then the profit will be increases.
  • It helps to increases corporate size because when people are to be hired from different countries they are ready to work at the low price because of different currency which keeps the cost of labor same but increases the profit so the businessman get a chance to open the different outlets.t helps to gain best employees from all countries at the cheap price because of different currencies.
  • It is very lengthy process because in this process the senior position employees are required to go in that country very the company wants the hire to new comers.
  • It is high costly process because in this process the senior employees are required to go in that country very the company wants the hire to new comers which includes too much cost of travelling.


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