What is customer service?

Customer service:- It is one of the service through which businessman can maintain best relation with the clients. In customer service there is an agent who is to be appointed by the businessman and his main work is to resolve the problems of the clients. It also help to maintain the corporate reputation

This type of service is very important in every type of business the reason behind is that clients are not feeling good by use of commodity until their problem is not be solved. Once the problem of the clients are resolved then he feeling good and happy with that particular commodity and he ahs an urge to purchase the same commodity again from the same businessman.

Customer service

Right persuasion of a customer service

An agent should be polite while he talking with his clients. The reason behind is that when the client is angry so at that moment an agent first to fall say sorry for his mistake then he needs to find an appropriate solution for his client then he needs to ensure his client that this type of mistake cannot repeated again.


It is very essential in corporate sector as it help to grab the clients so that those clients came back again for to purchase the commodity.

It helps to keep maintain the name of the firm so it is important for all the firms to keep this type of service.

It helps to bring best relationship with clients by solving their problems.

It helps to gain higher profit because once the client got happy with our commodity then they come back gain for to acquire the same commodity and if they came back again for to acquire the same commodity then the sales increases and once sales increases then profit also increases.


It helps to bring best relationship with clients by solving their problems.

It helps to bring positive review by providing best service to their clients and once clients are happy with our product then they give positive review.

It helps to bring higher ranking in the market by bringing positive review.

In the customer service the service agent should be diplomatic while he dealing with his clients which ultimately give good impact on the corporate image.


It has an aim to reach out to client satisfaction

It helps to maintain the corporate name

It fulfil the requirements of the clients


It has majorly used for to bring the feedback from the clients which helps the businessman for to know about the status of his business.

It uses for the customer benefits.

It uses for the client retention.


It helps to bring back the clients.

It helps to make huge relation with the clients.

It helps to reach out to client satisfaction

It helps to identify the corporate relation status with the clients


It increases cost of corporate because the customer service helps only to bring back the clients but not brings an income for the corporate.

This type of servi9ces in the corporate can increases the persons in the corporate so that their salary is to increases the cost for the corporate.

The customer service is the part of BPO because it comes in operation job role. As the BPO have multiple job role but this job role play am important role.

Jobs in customer service

The job is very difficult in this position includes client management in which a person handles the client.

The jobs are:-



Customer service management:-It means to managing the services which are provided to the client of the corporate so that their clients are happy with use of commodity.

There are lot of issues faced by the agents who are working in this field because their main work is to give every efforts so that clients are retained in the corporate.

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